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June Update

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the June update from Wye Knot Community! This month has been a whirlwind of activity, brimming with exciting events, ongoing programs, and continued community connections.

Women's Wilderness Weekends: A Resounding Success!

Our much-anticipated Women's Wilderness Weekends were a resounding success! We were thrilled to welcome a wonderful group of women who embarked on adventures, forged new friendships, and reconnected with nature. Through activities like paddleboarding, camping, and mindful sessions, participants experienced a sense of empowerment and rejuvenation.

Movement for Wellbeing: Still Going Strong!

Our movement to movement therapy program continues to flourish, providing vital support and physical activity to residents in eight different care homes across Herefordshire. We are so grateful for the positive impact this program has on mental and physical well-being.

Sharpening Skills with Knife Workshops!

This month, we launched a new initiative – knife skills workshops for youngsters! These interactive sessions teach valuable knife safety and basic techniques, promoting confidence and fostering a positive learning environment.

Building a Buzz: Media Spotlight!

We were delighted to be featured in an interview with BBC Radio Hereford! This opportunity allowed us to share the stories and impact of Wye Knot Community with a wider audience. Additionally, we were happy to see a positive article about our work published in the Hereford Post.

Fostering Intergenerational Connections: New at The Courtyard!

We're excited to announce a new collaboration with The Courtyard Theatre! We've launched "Dementia Intergenerational Workshops," a unique program that brings together young and old for engaging activities that spark joy and connection. We've even welcomed a new phonics teacher to join us once a month, enriching these sessions with playful learning for all ages. It's been incredible to see new faces join us every session, creating a vibrant and supportive community at The Courtyard.

Looking Forward: Stay Connected!

We are incredibly grateful for the continued support of our wonderful community. Stay tuned for even more exciting projects and initiatives in the coming months! Be sure to follow us on social media for the latest updates and stories.

Thank you for being a part of the Wye Knot Community journey!


The Wye Knot Community Team

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