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Wye Knot Forest schools is currently working with Venns Lane care home. We are delivering personal centred forest school sessions, these sessions encourage going outdoors, getting to know others, making friendships, trying different activities and to trigger old memories.


This Project is to celebrate the jubilee with two nursing's homes. we have carried out 20 forest school sessions.

We even had the Mayor of Hereford come to see what the fun was all about.



Forest school in the forest of dean. 

The first of its kind, intergenerational forest school working with Blakeney primary school and Sydenham House.


Down to the wood project, Wye knot community work with the youth theatre members to share there interactive show/play with a few care homes in hereford, as the care homes couldn’t attend in person Rose Sales took it upon herself to bring the show to the homes and what a success it was!!


Hereford River Carnival 2023


Hereford River Carnival 2023


Wye knot movement is excited to announce that  playing together has received an extra two years funding. This means we can carry on offering our well loved  intergenerational play classes at the courtyard.


Wye Knot paddel board took part in the river wye carnival this summer and will do so again next year. 


Wye knot movement is delivering over 6 movement therapy sessions a week to care homes in Hereford.



Down in the Woods


Hereford River Carnival 2023! Wye knot forest school and Wye knot paddle board worked together on a intergenerational project working with over 100 people project accord 0 to 101. We managed to get all the care home free top and to you Club involved. They all put a print on a canvas with a name and age and we have a is from newborn 201 on a canvas which we made into a massive Earth and then one displayed it on the river carnival. 


Hereford River Carnival 2023

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